Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I wrote this:

As I have been thinking, children have come to my mind. They first are children who learn a lot in school then they become adults who will live out what they have learned. So the best time to teach them about God is when they’re children. Any time is good to teach anyone but the best time is when they’re children. There are things that they will learn from schools and even from Churches let alone from adults that are not scriptural and our job is to teach them the truth!

They won’t learn about God from education though. God knowledge doesn’t make money and it’s very individual and does not sell like other things do. And God while allowed in America it is not a popular topic like sports, cars or homes.

There is a ‘thing’ to make more money where people exhibit something that they have learned from others and people respect that and pay money for it, thus it is just another way to make money.

But the advantage that children have and adults don’t is that everything is new to them. So God, their creator, their future, etc. is REAL to them as it should be but other things eventually take presedence. And our job is to keep other things from taking precedence over God.

In the Bible Isaiah speaks of the worthlessness of Royalty but this world won’t teach that. And that is where we can make a difference in their lives and for their future…eternally for sure.

Teaching them that they were created by God and that He formed them in their mothers womb and wrote down ALL the days of their life before they were born in His book and how they eventually will be was designed by God tells them that they were planned for and not just a surprise!

So to approach life trying to become something ‘better’ than they began just means that God didn’t know what He was doing which you know is not true and so should they!

ALL OF THE GUESSWORK IS GONE BEFORE THEY START! There are no maybes or possiblys for them just a creator that made them and loves them and has a purpose for them.

And their purpose is to bring Him glory and that’s it! The Bible puts it very clearly but people tend to just look ONLY at other people and our goal is to break that mold.

Cash is NOT king and this world says that it is. Believing that it is king gets the focus on money and off of God. God never comes into any picture because money is KING and IF you believe that God formed you then you HAVE to feel that God neglected to consider money and that money is more powerful than God and that is just not true. God is omnipresent so He knew about your future and He knew about money and He still created you. And Children need to know this.

If cash is not king and God is our desired future, the future of our children and the future of our nation/world is totally screwed up!

This is not a popular position to take but the position of believing a truth or a lie must be taken and IF you and your children desire a future with God then you and your children have to believe the truth. God is

Your future and the future of your children is now set! No more spending money just to make money! But no one will agree with this or you but you can read it clearly in the Bible. Did you know that you were putting your kids into a losing position? It was a losing position for you and now you will put your children into a losing position too! To be what? Losers without God? Or would you prefer winners with God?

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