Monday, December 21, 2009

I have been thinking about this for a long long time but what kept me from writing about it is that I was worried that people wouldn’t get it and be offended. So I have waited and now I am ready. Did I solve the potential problem? No, but I have thought it through. So here it goes:

When children are born they have no standards because everything is new to them. But as humans WE THINK THAT WE KNOW WHAT THE STANDARDS ARE and so we teach them to our children. Everything does, books, stories, songs & TV, why do you think we have nursery rhymes?

And children learn very quickly that they must meet these standards because depending on how they measure up to the standards they will be labeled. And as we get older although the standards change in name or content the purpose is the same.

So if we meet those standards then we are good enough and successful and if we do not then we work harder to achieve them.

I regularly attend a Sunday school class for handicapped adults and I am now a part of a very handicapped family.

What does the class do? And why is it important?

Good questions!

Without the class handicapped people would have nowhere to go. Most people, even at Churches, don’t have a place for them and think they do not belong in Church.

So for 42 years I was normal, successful & belonged in Church & had it made in life? Yes.

But why not now?

Well, at 42 I was severely attacked and beaten. I lost my job, my education, all people and possessions, my future and I cannot walk.

So without these people I would be up a creek without a paddle. But I’m not.

I still cannot walk or remember my education, but I do have God.

Am I still successful? By the World’s standards No, but by God’s standards YES.

I am very happy to be where I am.

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