Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ok, I’m blown away. I can’t believe that I didn’t see this before or maybe I just didn’t realize the full extent of it but competition among people (the clay) is so strong in this world! I’m so thankful that I am no longer involved at all but everything and I mean everything is based on standards that define who is the BEST and there are standards that society bases that rating on! And the majority of people buy into those standards which will give you a very good life on this earth but a horrible life in eternity! It’s so big that everything is based on it and someone like me has very little to become involved in. I’m not making this up and if you’re not sure about it then read your Bible because I do and the way things are is in total contradiction to it! But why doesn’t anyone see this? I know that it’s not eternity yet but my eternal destination is reality to me and it should be reality for you too! It will be someday. The Bible says that the road to Heaven will be slim and few will find it and I’ just now seeing the truth in that.

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