Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This is in the Bible. Let’s redefine something incredibly important. People make the huge error of saying that a lifetime is defined of as long as you as a human are alive on Earth however and more realistically there is no end to our lives. Lifetime has no physical location so it’s not limited to just this Earth. Human life is as long as a human is alive on Earth but then spiritual life takes over and there is no end to that. So to define a lifetime as just human life on Earth is incorrect. The redefinition is for a lifetime to be never ending rather than just a period of time on Earth. You can make your life on Earth as good as you want but that’s only a small amount of time and you need to realize that money will only help you on only this Earth so your goal should be to make your life on Earth prepare you for a never ending life which changes the way we think about marriage and children.

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